PDF: CCC Draft Annual Plan 2020 by Joanna Gould | April 2020
“To truly address these 21st-century problems, our society needs 21st-century solutions. We need to build a new civic infrastructure—one where fairness, justice, and economic and educational opportunity prevail, and where all people are engaged as stakeholders in civic and community life. We all have a stake in creating the strongest possible foundation for the greatest possible participation of ordinary people in civic life. It is time to build a 21st-century civic infrastructure—one that supports the permanent capacity for community change and equality of opportunity. When we build it, all can come.” https://ssir.org/articles/entry/building_an_intentional_and_inclusive_civic_infrastructure
Two years ago I wrote this post https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/imagine/, after creating my https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/ website, “to collate my research and ideas for my submission to the Christchurch City Council 2018 Long Term Plan, for the rebuild of the Shirley Community Centre, 10 Shirley Road, Christchurch.”
Since then I have gone on to create my https://www.riseuprichmond.nz/ website, which includes research/ideas for the https://www.riseuprichmond.nz/otakaro-avon-river-corridor/ & my http://getcreativechristchurch.nz/ website, which includes research/ideas for the http://getcreativechristchurch.nz/toi-otautahi-christchurch-arts-strategy/.
The above .pdf is my feedback for the “CCC Draft Annual Plan 2020-2021”, which covers my research/ideas/suggestions for the Christchurch City Council, especially at this time while in COVID-19 lockdown, to help support individual/social well-being & civic infrastructure in Christchurch moving forward. (Page 12: CCC Draft Annual Plan 2020-2021 | Suggestions)
Page 3-5 of the .pdf highlights parts of the Canterbury Wellbeing Index & how I see the Government/Council/NGOs could share resources & use civic infrastructure to address well-being & social issues in our communities.
Page 6 of the .pdf highlights the different well-being models, our 1st place (home)/2nd place (work)/3rd place (social), opportunities in our social places for connections & networks, opportunities for the Government/Council/NGOs to work together in our civic facilities to provide community education for all.
I see the following gaps in the Christchurch Community Facilities Network Plan: Page 9-12 of the .pdf, that could provide opportunities for community education to all Christchurch residents:
Shirley Centre: Page 7 & 8 of the .pdf, inclusive centre at 10 Shirley Road, library with learning spaces, available for anyone in the community to use. (https://www.10shirleyroad.org.nz/centre-ideas/)
Sutton’s Place: arts/crafts community with learning spaces for local/overseas teachers to provide classes/workshops/retreats, opportunity to learn about W. A. (Bill) Sutton and his teaching/artworks and house/garden. (http://getcreativechristchurch.nz/suttons-place/)
Māori Heritage Park: indoor/outdoor learning spaces for Māori architecture/arts/crafts, opportunities to learn about the Māori language/culture/stories/legends and Elsie Locke’s life, writing & her legacy to Christchurch. (http://getcreativechristchurch.nz/maori-heritage-park/)
River Bank Centre: research/design/technology hub with learning spaces to inspire/educate with STEAM, opportunity to see startup/innovation businesses and to learn about Richard Bedward Owen and why he was called ‘River Bank’ Owen. (http://getcreativechristchurch.nz/river-bank-centre/) These centres are based on the link between creativity and well-being, and could address: occupational health, social health, mental health, emotional health, & environmental health, in collaboration with the Govt Ministry’s (Health, Education, Social Development, Tourism etc.)/Christchurch City Council/NGOs.
Just as we have seen the exponential growth of one person infected with the COVID-19 virus, I can see the positive ripple affect one person can have in their home/work/social places if the Government/Council/NGOs work together to provide community education in our civic facilities throughout NZ.
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